Low T Symptoms


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Are you low on Testosterone?

Feeling tired all the time? Not feeling up to your old self at work or home? Don’t think it is just being sleepy or being too busy…it could be low testosterone.

You could be, if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:

Lack of Energy

All men get tired occasionally, but prolonged, continuous fatigue at any age is not normal, and it can affect everything from your work performance to your attitude. And it could be no fault of your own.

Declining Libido

When a man’s testosterone level falls outside the normal range, it can cause a decrease in libido. This doesn’t have to be permanent. We can help restore you to your normal vigor and drive, and be yourself again.

Weak Erections

You’re in an incredibly intimate moment, and you’re unable to perform. It’s an embarrassing subject to experience. It’s also difficult for guys to talk about. It doesn’t have to be. Our experts are here to listen and to help.

Poor Sleep

You’re exhausted, but you toss and turn every night with insomnia. Maybe you’ve been diagnosed with sleep apnea or another sleeping disorder. There are reasons for these disorders, and they could be tied to Low T. But you don’t have to lose sleep over it.

Decreased Muscle + Strength

You start noticing that your strength seems to be fading no matter what you do.  Lifting heavy items seems to be getting harder, and everyday tasks are more exhausting. It might not be your workout. It may be Low T.

Decreased Performance + Concentration

You’re in an incredibly intimate moment, and you’re unable to perform. It’s an embarrassing subject to experience. It’s also difficult for guys to talk about. It doesn’t have to be. Our experts are here to listen and to help.


Your brain has many cells that are testosterone receptors; the low level of testosterone your brain receives affects your mood. Studies show when testosterone replacement therapy was used to bring hormone levels back into balance, men’s moods improved and became lighter.

Understand Low T Health Risks

How you feel with Low T is a reflection of legitimate changes to your body, and some of these come with serious long-term health risks – including heart attack and stroke. We feel it is vital for men to recognize these very real health concerns to get the help they need.

At ReBalanced Wellness Clinic, we create positive contributions to your overall health and help prevent other obstacles to your best life.

By taking care of your Low T, you don’t just feel better. You live healthier.

Manopause: Understanding Andropause And You

Andropause, or male menopause (“man-opause”) is the name given to the gradual drop in testosterone that typically affects men between the ages of 40 and 55. Low testosterone, also known as hypogonadism, affects an estimated 13 million men in the U.S.